Customising the Precision health score
I want to be able to customise the health score in Precision to better reflect how my clients are using their GL.
New Custom Health Score now available!
We’ve listened to your feedback and are delighted to introduce updates to Precision’s Health Score feature which now enables you to customise the health score calculation, giving you complete control over what makes up your client assessments.
In the Health Score Settings Page, team admins can now create a health score that is customised to the needs of your practice, including the checks and weightings that matter to you.
This means you have more control and can offer a more tailored and relevant assessment process to your clients, whether you're managing multiple clients with diverse financial objectives or seeking in-depth insights.
This feature is included free of charge as part of your Precision plan.
Helen Savage commented
It would be very helpful to be able to customise the health score trigger points. For example we wouldn't class the health score to be healthy if it wasn't 85% so anything below we would have yellow. Each practice will have their own thresholds.
Matthew Taylor commented
The client healthscore turns green at 70% which we think is too low as a potential for 30% error is significant for many clients. Can this be made to be editable to suit our practice requirements?
Joanna commented
I would like to be able to remove certain insight checks such as the depreciation run from my health score. The depreciation is only run once a year so for this client i do not want it included in my monthly checks or as part of my healthscore percentage.
James Darby commented
Please can you include the ability to customise the health score report and related export.