Make fields mandatory before publishing
Option to make fields mandatory such as the customer or class field in order for the item to be ready for publishing
Luke Todd commented
Please give us the option to make location a required field.
Roxanne Simmons commented
The ability to make certain fields required when clients are uploading documents.
For example- When our construction clients are uploading Fuel or other vehicle receipts we would like them to select which class (vehicle) the expense is for.Another huge help for these clients would be selecting the customer or project.
If we could also set it up so that they are only allowed to select from a select few would be great too
This would save so much time from us going back to the client all the time asking for the customer and or which vehicle the expense was for!
Edward Bullock commented
A feature that blocks the publishing of an invoice if certain criteria of an invoices details are not filled in.
Like how an invoice cannot be published without a category or supplier. And a user can edit which categories should be mandatory.
James Huang commented
Would love to have the project field mandatory before publishing too!
Jan Ritchie commented
Having the option to make the division field selection mandatory before uploading documents.
Mihai Tarcea commented
Make the Invoice Number field mandatory for publishing items to Xero. We have noticed quite a few instances where dext does not 'read' the reference number on an invoice. when publishing these to Xero, dext just assigns them with a reference number in the format 'RB######'
Sam Bennett commented
Allow a setting which makes Department a mandatory field before publishing an invoice.
Chris Namih commented
Please Please Please can we be able to make more fields mandatory for employees to complete? Like the description field, or the project field?
Elaine Amundsen commented
I would like to see a feature in Dext that you can turn on to have the projects be mandatory fields to complete in order to publish the invoices.
Greg Hill commented
In DextPrepare, we would like the option to set the Project and Project2 fields as mandatory fields. We integrate from DextPrepare into ApprovalMax and then into Xero. Those project fields link to tracking categories which are compulsory in our business.
Greg Maloney commented
The possibility to make certain fields mandatory would be a big help. For example, we have fields linked to the tracking categories in Xero but these can differ at a transactional level (so can't be set at supplier level) and to be able to make these mandatory so we're not always chasing up the user for missing info would be really useful.
Nancy Pitura commented
Please make a setting to allow user to choose which fields must be filled in before moving from "To Review" to "Ready". For example, I would like to require the "Description" field and the "Payment Method" field, so that an item cannot be published without these fields (or a least make me aware that they are missing before I publish them anyways if I choose).
Jean Holliday commented
Category and customer are a must! Those fields must be mandatory to be ready for publishing. End of story
Paul Burns commented
Class for sure! So easy and would save a bunch of issues. In seetings: " Is class mandatory Y/N " When publishing, have a line of code: IF class is NULL and ClassRqd = Yes then error, else publish.
Andrea Walterhouse commented
Please create the option to make the Class field mandatory. For some of my NPOs, they want their Dext submitters to have to put a Class so it's confusing when it says "Ready" because they've only entered a GL code.
Paula Georgieva commented
Ability to disable publishing until certain fields are completed such as project and description. Like if the category is missing at the moment, items cannot be published. Client would like to have the same option if the project and description are not completed as well.