Ability to create folders in Dext to organise items
Option to create separate folders to organise items into dext like the archive, inbox and costs/sales folders
Thanks for giving feedback on new features, we are currently reviewing this item and opening to release something later this year.
Please stay tuned for updates.
Nick Howell commented
In supplier rules, there should be a feature where you can set certain suppliers to archive invoices without processing.
Jess Rowland commented
Being able to ADD your own sub folder - easier to work down monthly batches or issues that are in the process of being solved - but need to be moved out of the inbox temporarily
In the administrator profile to have a folder for the different users so the transactions are divide instead of having all of them in the same main screen
Solange Albuquerque commented
I couldn't find a option to create a folder on the Inbox. It might be a good a idea to manage and organize the work that has to be done. If by any chance do you have any option similar, I'd appreciate sharing with me. Best Regards, Solange
Neelum Yousaf commented
Allow for separate folders in "inbox" to allow separation of cost codes or credit cards etc
Sam Williams commented
Option to create additional folder in the Workspace menu
Lisa Walker commented
subfolders for the costs inbox
Roxanne Simmons commented
Would like to be able to have Folders for all Suppliers in the Archived section so it is easier to search for documents when needed.
Adarsh Rajput commented
Ability to create folders in the Archive section of Costs and Sales. When invoices have been archived, it would be very helpful if we could make folders for each VAT Quarter for example so it would be easier to find invoices.
Hampus Christensson commented
It would be good to be able to create folders in Archives so you can go back in your bookkeeping and view old/archived invoices and receipts for each month>week>day.
Radmila Wright commented
I would like to be able to create multiple inboxes for which different users would be automatically routed
Tania Garcia commented
Is it possible to create subfolders within the Archive to easily distinguish the items for a particular location without filtering? We have a client who has 3 separate locations businesses and they're using one Dext account for all and different users.
Anne Esser commented
create an "on hold" folder for transactions that need more info so that they are excluded from the working view
Mandar Patel commented
The ability to create a New Folder on Dext to store uploaded items that are neither sales or Costs. This would save time in having to download these items and store somewhere else.
Charlotte Rix commented
Create project folders and store project invoices once allocated within system, maybe into review, then post to Sage 50
Nicole Priestley commented
Folder inside inbox so can put the uploaded documents into a folder for example split out financial years invoices
Anonymous commented
Creating folders within Dext Prepare to organise documents and Bank Statements
Molly Ford commented
subfolders in the costs inbox
christine sigman commented
Allow users to create folders in the archived receipts to organize them. Much better than everything dumping into the archive folder as one big mess.
Kathrine Shi commented
1. the ability to add folders under inboxes to sort out the invoices/receipts before publish.
2. ability to block the system from creating new payment method.