Automatically take picture when receipt is in frame (like depositing a cheque with bank app)
It would be amazing if the app would automatically take pictures when the receipt is properly in frame. Think of what bank apps do when you deposit a cheque. They tell you to back up, get closer, change the angle, etc. When the conditions are met, the app snaps the picture on its own. The result is a consistently higher quality picture versus letting users frame their own picture and fumble to push the shutter button on their phone.
I think one difficulty would be that receipts are different shapes and sizes while cheques are relatively similar. It might require adding a few typical sizes (full page, credit card / restaurant, etc) and still allowing users the option to manually take the picture.
Common errors we see are full page pictures at an impossible-to-read angle, pictures with the focus on the background instead of the receipt, and pictures where the receipt is a small piece of the total frame (i.e. not cropped properly).

Jono Moss commented
Camera would only pick up the receipt, and would remove the background.