Line item extraction: Automatic categorisation based on key words
Can you add a feature where certain line items on invoices (e.g. "Shipping" or "Freight") are automatically coded to a different Category/Account when automatically extracting line items?
e.g. Invoice for $100 broken up to $90 goods and $10 freight. The invoice was issued by a supplier with the "Extract line items" function turned on in DEXT.
The invoice was disaggregated to:
Description | Category | Total
Goods | Cost of sales | $90
Freight | Freight expense | $10
In this instance, DEXT has picked up the key word 'freight' and has automatically coded it to 'freight expense'. For all other lines where there is no key word entered, it defaults to the default supplier category.
Kathryn Frimond commented
Ability to add different account codes for each line at extraction level. I think Auto-entry can do this based on key words within the line description