Description before uploading in website
I'm surprised this isn't a feature yet. When you are adding a document online via the webpage there is no area to give a description for the document before uploading or even right after. You have to wait for it to be processed, then go into it and leave a note. For someone who submits receipts & bills both on the phone & webpage it would be very nice to have that feature on the webpage. I am frequently submitting documents that I would like to leave a description for so my accounting team can then know where they might need to code a specific purchase without having to ask me later. You are able to do this on the phone app when submitting receipts so I'm not sure why it is not something you can do in the website as well.

Heidi Lightfoot commented
Not sure if this is helpful but I write a note in the 'description' box when processing the invoice and this passes through the the 'memo' field in quickbooks.
Pavel Velkov commented
Option to set the Category and Description before the item is submitted for processing directly via the Web App, just like in the Mobile App.