Option to disable publishing notifications
Option to disable the pop-up notifications letting you know an items has been published
Sorry this has taken so long to explore, we will look to add an option to suppress or make them not cover the view when working quickly. Thanks for the feedback.
Teri Bowen commented
I think there should be a way to turn off pop up notifications every time an invoice is published
Janet Green commented
the pop-up messages showing at the bottom right of my screen block my complete view of my screen. Please would you hide the messages out of view. The orange message circle isn't a problem, but the large rectangular message space above it is. Thank you
Mark Mears commented
Switch the supplier rule notifications off
Carol Chupp commented
stop the pop up message for adding the description as a supplier rule. very annoying
Heidi Klein commented
Please provide a way to choose to hide the notification whether the item was published. The notification covers the workspace and requires extra click or waiting time to move on to the next item. While working flat rate you want all unnecessary obstacles removed, Thank you.
Alexander Dimitrov commented
I'm using Dext (previously Receipt Bank) and every time I process a receipt I get a message up on the bottom left of the screen which tells me it's queued for processing. Is there a setting so I can remove this message constantly flagging up on my screen? It becomes irritating and distracting when you're processing 20-30 transactions
Christopher Young commented
notifications that pop up over the zoom button when processing to xero, causing extra clicks or waiting for it to disappear which is wasting time
Natalia Bernas commented
Let the notifications work in the background completely, so they don't affect what it's currently done.
Ellie O'Sullivan commented
A notification comes up in the bottom left corner when you publish items notification comes up in the bottom left corner.
It can be very annoying it being there has it covers up the invoice when working, especially on small monitors. Plus you then have to hide them every time something is published. Could the notifications be relocated to the notification on the top right? -
Clare Mitchell commented
The publishing notiications that appear at the bottom of the screen are extremely annoying and intrusive to the workflow. They are annoying on the desktop screen and impossible on the laptop. Is there a way to turn these of please?