Rebillable Global Markup per QBO
The "Mark as Rebillable" feature needs to apply the global markup % defined in QBO. Right now a transaction will publish to QBO as rebillable, but the global markup % defined in QBO doens't apply to the transation

Julie Stapleton commented
When marking a bill as "Rebillable" would it be possible to add a mark up % through DEXT rather than having to double handle the transaction in QBO and add the markup there?
Stacie Genereaux commented
It would be GREAT if you could mark receipts/bills as billable to a customer and when you push it through the Mark up is automatically add in QBO. Even if you have mark up turned on in QBO it does not show up on the bill when you push it through. If you could make this change it would be huge for project management purposes
Laura Gershman commented
I agree! The ability to add a percentage markup would be amazing. As of now, we have to manually edit the transactions in QBO, which lessens the convenience of Dext.
Greg Penner commented
My client is using QBO Canada. We are using the billable feature in Dext to mark the expense as rebillable to a the client's customer.
But we need to be able to add in a mark up percentage. Please add this function in Dext to be able to mark for example rebillable with a 10 % markup.
Ben Ewing commented
When "Mark as rebillable" is selected allow for a percentage of mark up to be added so it shows up within quickbooks online.
Kind Regards
Ben Ewing