Auto flag incoming mailbox submissions / lost/missing receipt workflow
Hi there,
We have a scenario which i think alot of business might face. Lost and missing receipts.
Staffa are required to fill out a Lost/Missing receipt form and then submit it to dext.
Were currently in the process of creating a digital form in power apps that will collect the info in microsoft teams and on submission will submit a pdf to dext via the organisations email in address, or maybe another one specifically for this purpose.
in time well have it come from the users dext email in address but at the moment theres no way to add custom columns to Azure users where we could store the users associated dext email address easily.
Ideally the idea for you guys, is that in the company settings theres an option to automatically flag all incoming items submitted via the email method. this will allow, in our use case, the accountants to scrutinise the flag items for tax reasons, rather than the item just going into the To Review list with all the normal submissions which require less scrutiny because of the auto extract.
I think this control could be useful for lots of reasons.
The most complete solution would be to introduce a form for lost or missing receipts directly in the dext app or platform, customisable by admin to include headings, text, fillable fields, checknoxes etc - however i would imagine the development of this would be far more considerable than a on off toggle that flags incoming email submissions from a particular users dext email.
Hope that makes sense! but please feel free to reach out if this is something you would like to consider and need any more info.