auto-filling the Description and Category based on a selected Product/Service
There is a new feature added to auto-fill the Description and Category based on a selected Product/Service. Can you make it an option to turn the auto-fill off? We have custom descriptions for all of our expenses, so it is very frustrating when the description gets over-written if the the Product/Service is selected AFTER typing in the Description.

Tim Parsons commented
Provide a user-configurable setting to ENABLE or DISABLE the auto-completion of the DESCRIPTION field (associated with a COST item in the INBOX) following completion of the PRODUCT/SERVICE field. Currently, the default and only option is the DESCRIPTION field clears and auto-completes following completion/changes to the PRODUCT/SERVICE field - and this results in the deletion of any user provided data in the DESCRIPTION field in situations where the user subsequently makes changes to the PRODUCT/SERVICE field following completion of the DESCRIPTION field.
Similarly, once the DESCRIPTION field has been completed, if subsequent changes are made to the PRODUCT/SERVICE field, then the DESCRIPTION field does NOT change/clear/auto-complete again, but rather maintains the data entered by the user.