Remove the ability for expense approvers to see all documents within Dext.
Please remove the ability for expense approvers to see all documents within Dext.
We have several approvers of expense claims but have had to remove this function for our company, when we realised that these approvers could see all invoices/ receipts from all users. This means that they can see confidential invoices such as solicitors or accountants invoices, these should be seen on a need to know basis and not by a line manager of a small team. These approvers can also see the archive so even if you process the invoices quickly, they can still go and see them.
My suggestion is to have another level of expense approver that can only see their own items and those of their team or just those expense claims that they have been sent to approve.
We cannot use the expense approval process and have to revert to emailing claims for approval - the function in Dext is good but confidentiality needs to be considered.