ABN Validation | Option to Bulk Edit or Dismiss "Invalid" Flags
The ABN Validation section has been great feature to play with, however there are a few gaps that would be a massive improvement if addressed.
ABNs previously entered in Xero in the most common number format (xx *** *** ***) are causing an issue by incorrectly flagging as an invalid ABN due to the spaces between the digits. These spaces are usually on tax invoices and also come across if the ABN is copied directly from ABN Lookup. An option to bulk update ABNs would be great, or a way to dismiss the flag against the supplier ABN as they are correct.
It would also be very helpful to dismiss some of the flagged ABNs once they've been actioned. Insurance companies and Department of Transport transactions are flagged as they have a valid ABN but have a GST free transaction. Due to stamp duty and such, these ABNs will always have transactions over different tax codes. Some clients also have personal purchases in the Xero file so the BAS excluded transactions flagged against valid ABNs is an issue. An option to dismiss them once checked or adding them to an exclusion list would save double-handling in future.

Tanya Spence commented
ABN check should be able to ignore spaces in the ABN. At the moment if the ABN in Xero has spaces, it is coming up as an invalid ABN. It would be great if the ABN validation could ignore the spaces when doing the verification.