Approval process for individual Invoices/expenses/bills
Simple bill approval system integrated into Dext Prepare. Mark an item as requires approval - Mark user who can approve (can be saved for automatic fill-in for this supplier) - it shifts the bill to a new list (awaiting approval) - send that user an email to tell them it is there.
They logon, click approve and it sends the bill to the normal awaiting export list, hey presto simple, no need for comments or anything like that.
At the moment, I have to export the image, email it, await email confirmation etc, difficult to keep track of.
Hi there,
Approvals workflows for cost items and expense claims were released a couple of weeks ago 🎉
Head to to settings and set up approval workflows from there.
More information can be found here:
Isabelle St-Laurent commented
it would be very nice to be able to send an invoice (from the COST menu) for approval and the approver could approve or reject an invoice and confirm a date for payment.
Ingrid Hondermann commented
When entering a Cost Item transaction, there should be an approval process to make sure it was coded correctly before it gets published.
Steven Mulligan commented
Would be good if Dext extracts descriptions from invoices to publish in Xero.
Would also be good Dext had an approvals column for our clients to approve before publishing to Xero. -
Chris Anderson commented
Approvals workflow for each item.
Catalyst Admin commented
Could Dext have an approval feature for bills whereby a manager/owner could approve the bill before it is published to QBO?
Udi Gross commented
There should be an option to mark documents as approved once it has been checked over so that documents arent being published without first being approved. This way one worker can go through each doc and and another can do the proccesseing.
MaryBeth Hockenberry commented
I would like to see the ability to use the Dext App to approve the vendor bills (Costs). That a bookkeeper could upload the vendor bill (review & categorize) and push it to their manager for approval which also will notify the bookkeeper the bill was approved and is a correct charge to the company. Maybe include dollar limits also if a bill is high dollar it may need more than one approval.
Frankee Byrne commented
A way to allocate invoices for another user to approve before payment
Jonathan Teeters commented
Approval Routing, or at least the ability to indicate who is the approver, and if they have reviewed and approved the expense in Dext for payment. Right now I have to review, then manually type a note indicating that I reviewed and approved, and a note is pretty easy to miss in the flow of processing lots of invoices etc.
Would be a helpful feature.
Vincent Carriere commented
Invoice (bill) approval. It would be useful to have a feature where you can send an invoice to an individual that for approval before invoice is published to QBO. Approvers could be based on vendors, amount or a combination. Approvers could even be selected upon viewing of invoice. A dashboard would track the invoice status. Once the invoice is approved we can proceed to publishing the invoice and then payment.
Prissillya Mienata commented
For all invoices uploaded through Costs to have an approval feature just like the expense report. For example, I upload an invoice, it can then be sent to a manager for approval before being published.
Paula Georgieva commented
Option to approve individual invoices and to then generate a report in dext of all approved invoices
AdminUserVoice Admin (Admin, Dext) commented
Hi, I know that there's workarounds for approvals in Receipt Bank by using other pieces of software but I'd love if it would be possible to set up and manage my item approvals, and approvers, within Receipt Bank directly. Currently using flagging system.