Option to make description and note searchable
Can you introduce an option to search by description and/or note in the archive option please? As there is no option to input a job site, I use the description and note to enter the job site. When I have to look up a site, I can't search by either of these options.
If an option can be input to enter job site/job code/ project name that we can search also, that would be even better.

Heidi Lightfoot commented
Please consider also being able to search by the document name, eg
invoice1234.pdfThis doesn't work currently,
Lily Zhang commented
Option to make description and note searchable
Cindy Hopcroft commented
Can you please add 'description' into your advanced search options? Thanks
Dakota Stephenson commented
This would be a game changer
Dakota Stephenson commented
That would be a game changer for what I do.
Snezhana Stoyanova commented
Search/Filter option by Item description ( by words from the description too)
Karina Hernandez commented
My company really need to able to search the description, this should be an easy add on. Please do it, thank you
Craig Bellis commented
when searching the archive there is no option to search by the description or note. This would be the most useful search term than any of the others
Tina Baker commented
I REALLY REALLY REALLY need to be able to search the description!!! I can NOT believe that is not part of the basic search functionality!!!!
Tina Baker commented
I need to be able to do a searches on the DESCRIPTION field PLEEEASE