The feature of having a calculator within the create line items would be a great idea. Xero uses this feature within its sales and purchase invoices and it really helps to speed up the processing.

We're thrilled to announce that the Inline Calculator is now available to all users! Say goodbye to manual calculations and enjoy a more efficient workflow right within Prepare.
For instructions on using the feature, please refer to this article -
Thank you for your support, and valuable feedback that made this possible
Best regards,
Prince Obode
Product Manager
Wilton Burger commented
When I'm line editing, an auto-complete option would be great.
I have to enter various items with a slight difference.
Abby Gallo commented
I would like to be able to add & subtract within the cell of the Line Item entry. We could do that in Hubdoc and QBO, but not in Dext
Joe Law commented
It would be good if we could do calculations within the system, such as in the amount section when creating line items.
Erin VanDerVeen commented
I would love this feature and would use it daily.
Adnan Tarawala commented
It would be very easier, if I can use add up function in the Amount,VAT and net Amount column, so I do not have to use calculator, e.g. in total amount column if I click 150+25 the amount should auto calculted 175.
Bradly MacNally commented
Can you put a calculator feature on here
Ty Chapman commented
It would be helpful if taxes were automatically calculated out on line items on receipts. If the tax amount is at the bottom Dext just shows that a missing amount on the total receipt and the user has to go back and calculate it out and divide it per line item.
Jacqui Wolland commented
Within the split function you really need to update it so that it automatically splits the remainder after the second line instead of having to do the calculations ourselves. It takes so long.
Steven Pollak commented
in-field calculator . . . it would be great to do a calculation directly in the tax or total field for example when I can only claim 50% of the tax that you extracted it would be great if I could just type /2 behind the extracted number and the filed would calculate the tax just like in QBO
AdminUserVoice Admin (Admin, Dext) commented
It's a pain for me to edit item details, particularly within line items, because I need to manually calculate the amounts for each line. In Xero I can do, for example, “189.57-186.23” or "0.8*123" (for a %), and it will calculate the amount for me. This would make splitting into lines particularly easier, as well as doing calculations such as tax amounts and due dates (eg +30 to calculate 30 days after item date). Please make fields smart enough to recognise & solve simple math equations