Select the order that items are merged in
It would be really key for us if we could select the order in which item images are displayed after merging them. This would ensure we can have page 1 before page 2 before page 3, or a receipt following an invoice etc

We are looking to make this possible, thanks for the suggestion
Amber Wilson commented
When documents are merged users should be able to determine which page appears 1st, second, 3rd etc. Quite often when we merge our tax invoices end up being the LAST page and there is no logic to it. Users should be able to hit Merge and have the option to deteremibe which order the documents appear
Laura Rayner commented
When merging multiple documents there is no way to advise Dext which one you want to be the first page. You should be able to Organise pages so the best document is first ie the Tax invoice then an eft receipt. and also choose which category/description stays.
Amber Wilson commented
When Merging 2 documents, the user should be able to select which image appears on top etc (i.e. the order the images are shown in)
Sally Brock commented
Be able to change the order of documents when merging. i.e. I would like the invoice to be the first page and any supporting documents to come after.
Qusay Salman commented
Im trying to merge two documents, one is an invoice which got the total amount plus VAT and the other one is the backing sheet which has the amount without VAT
Because of that I need to have the invoice as the main document and to show the total amount, VAT and net amount
Unfortunately when I’m merging is make the backing sheet as the main document and that not good as only showing the net amount
How can I make the invoice as the main page when I’m merging these two documents together ?
Qusay -
Teresa Schwab commented
Order merged documents
Mandy Bagot commented
Sort the order of the documents when merged
Stephanie Cooper commented
When merging documents together, we should be able to rearrange the order of them. Often times additional back up will get submitted and when you merge, the new doc goes to the front.
Jeffrey Morahan commented
When merging documents, a feature to allow the re-ordering of pages based, not simply based on the intake assigned number. Example: After the merge, my invoice was at the bottom and all the supporting documentation at the top. I wanted to see the invoice first followed by the back up.
Jennifer Winter commented
Being able to change the order of pages in a merged document. Sometimes the client doesn't upload in the order the system thinks they should!
Julie Durrant commented
Hi, it would be nice to add a feature of being able to merge documents in an order that we prefer. As currently when merging some files these appear in an order that does not sort the pages on a document..
Being able to select the order of merged documents would be great thanks -
Lea Lloyd commented
When merging Sales invoices, I would like to be able to choose which image shows first
Codrin Cojocariu commented
I would like to see a feature implemented that would allow me to change the order of files when merged so that I can have my invoices on the first page and any attachments at the bottom
Sarah commented
Option to change the order of the invoices after merging.
Adelaine Kessir commented
When merging documents uploaded, being able to change the order they appear in the merged document. If there were two pages but Dext put the second one first you would be able to rearrange it so they are in the proper order.
Rosalind Brown commented
The ability to reorder files when you merge them
Tamara Walker commented
Clients are not always using the combine feature and I need to rebuilt an invoice using Merge.
Maura Doherty commented
Yep! Even if the merge function paid attention to the order in which we select items to merge, and made the first item selected the first page, the second item the second page, etc, that would be a HUGE help. The fact that there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to which items it puts first is hugely frustrating and makes the Merge function really not very useful at all.
Karen Blackwood commented
When a client takes single photos of a multiple page invoice being able to sort the merge so the page numbering are in the correct order.
Natalia Bernas commented
The merging of the pictures should allow the arranging of their order.