New Integration: Zoho Books
Please can you build a direct integration with Zoho Books?

Thanks to your input we've now completed work on the integration with ZohoBooks and released the integration. You can follow the instructions here to use the integration:
Thanks again for taking the time to help us improve the product.
Kind regards,
The Dext Product Team
Liam Cordrey commented
Hi, please could you add Zoho Analytics as a connection?
Zoho Analytics: -
Liam Cordrey commented
Hi, please could you add the Zoho CRM EU connection?
Zoho CRM: -
Admindominic.pote (Admin, Dext) commented
Thank you for submitting and voting on this feature request, we have discussed this internally and while we will not be implementing this integration in the immediate future, please have a look at our help centre article on using Zapier to Dext Prepare with Zoho Books!
Many thanks,