Due date extraction
Due dates not part of the key data extracted
Due Date Extraction is now released, supplier rules will continue to work if defined, set them to none to leverage our AI instead.
Sarah Schwarz commented
Due Date Extraction
Sophie Emerson commented
A Client has raised the very good question of why his costs keep defaulting to a due date in 30 days rather than reading the accurate due date on the invoice where this is clearly included. Ive looked and cant see any options to make this happen, only the options for changing the default time delay which is not what we want to do. Is manual override the only way to make this accurate?
Dominic North commented
Pick up due date for invoices/bills that will be paid automatically - you seem to default to 30 days on almost all invoices/bills, rather than pick up the figure from fields with text such as "Settlement Date", "Will be collected on", even "Due Date
Jane Stergio commented
Due date extraction would be very useful, particularly when initially setting up Vendors in Dext for the first time, or when there are lots of new suppliers, all with various terms.
When it is not extracted, its just another thing that has to be typed in - isn't this what the OCR is supposed to be doing - lower the amount of data entry? -
Laura Day commented
Would be great for due dates to be extracted and automatically populated where available