Mileage tracking
Trips w mileage tracking

Hi there,
This week we released the new mileage feature on Dext on web and mobile 🎉
Add vehicles, passengers, to and from locations or just distance travelled and Dext will automatically calculate the claim based on government approved rates.
Neda Trifonova commented
Being able to add miles to an item in Dext Prepare or extract them from item.
Sara Miteva commented
Just by capturing it, like a Costs/Sales item from the mobile or dragging and dropping the mileage claim without filling in a template to submit
Josie French commented
the ability to calculate mileage – where they can enter to/from and it will supply a map and calculate the mileage.
Julia Pollack commented
Submit Mileage in the app - company sets the mileage rate per km and employee can submit the number of kms traveled, purpose, account and class (QBO)
Alison Britt commented
It would be great to have this functionality
Nicole Webber commented
Other Expenses software including Xero Expenses add-on and Expensify enable users to easily record their mileage claims in both the desktop and app versions by inputting the date, no. of km's travelled and/or uploading a google maps screenshot. The per km rate and account can be company defined. The current method in Dext of recording km's in a spreadsheet and uploading it is out of date.
Elena Zappa commented
Neha Kaliraman commented
Neha Kaliraman commented
Neha Kaliraman commented
Trevor White commented
Yes being able to submit a mileage claim through the app would be very helpful.
RVT Group Limited commented
MIleage claim app
kathrine hamilton commented
I think it would be good to add in the mileage with the receipt
Taylor Ivanovich commented
kilometer tracking. one start km picture and one end km pic
Jeanette Black commented
Keith Finlay commented
It would be useful to have a way of tracking mileage for employees expense reports.
Jeremy Segal commented
the ability to directly submit vehicle mileage for reimbursement through the phone app. A lot of our clients employees drive their own vehicles and are entitled to mileage reimbursment. In other expense tracking apps there is a functionality that allows them to submit a picture of the odomoter at the beginning of the day and then at the end of the day. also able to input mileage driven. There is then an automatic calculation based upon a company rule that would allow them to submit their mileage to be directly reimbursed without the need of creating an invoice and submitting it through the app.