User Restrictions
It is good if DEXT can set users restrictions so they can only use specific projects and/or account categories
We are exploring the best way to handle more advanced user restrictions
Elin Jones commented
We need to be able to limit the abilities of 'colleagues' in each client account. They shouldn't be able to have admin rights for all clients and should be able to publish on some clients but not on others.
Louise Parrish commented
user privileges - need more options as to what a basic user can and cannot do. they should not be able to change default settings. eg, when the default setting is to publish as draft, they should not be able to change this to publish as paid. 'publish all' is too vague and wide a remit.
Tanyel Akintug commented
function to stop users being able to add new cutomers
Carmen Morris commented
It would be great if we could allow certain users (our clients) to have access to all items submitted for their organisation but not be able to publish anything. Sometimes, people start pushing buttons they shouldn't be.
Jill Smith commented
Enhanced User permissions - I have a client that has a large team and they have monthly expense claims. When submitting their receipts they are to select the category which is challenging when the list is so large. It would really streamline the process if I could set a limited list of categories to chose from in their settings. The admin need the full list of categories but many of the basic users need a smaller set of categories to chose from. This would be AWESOME!
James Bell commented
The Access privileges for users need to be expanded to be more flexible over what a user can and can not do (or see). As a practice, we would like the ability to not give all clients (users) full access to the extra paid services (Boost/line Extraction/Bank Statements) that they can use without speaking with us but we are then charged a month later. We would like the ability to give access to clients for these extra services if we have agreed in advance that they can use them. You can either have Admin full access or Basic user. A user either has limited access to only their items, or full access to everything. We need more options here!
Block editing/erasing of expense reports and invoices for basic users levels
Sandra Warr commented
I would like areas within Dext to have privacy settings allowing staff within different projects/Class to only see their own documents and transactions.
Shanita Sam commented
Please can we ensure that basic users (our employees) have limited functionality on Dext. They must not be able to flag, unflag, archive, unarchive, edit or delete expense reports. Thank you.
Shanita Sam commented
Hi, please could you ensure that employees cannot make changes once expense reports have been approved by managers. It is creating difficulty for us in finance when the employees make changes after approval is done. Thank you.
Jacqui Schempp commented
Limiting the categories certain employees can see - i.e. our supervisors only need to use specific categories, and office admin require different categories. It would be great if we could group employees based on their job, and customize the categories they can assign expenses to based on their group.
Jodi Maguire commented
Hello, I would like to suggest the ability to limit access to accounts based on user or user group. It would be nice to have groups, such as Office or Field or Management and have certain accounts available to each group. Thank you.
Yvonne Feng commented
Have the option to limit/hide certain categories, class, customer/ supplier list for certain users.
VK Poynor commented
We need a way to turn off the category selection from the client (on app) and turn it on for us on the backend dashboard side. This is to limit the confusion on their end as categories are our job on the backend as the bookkeepers.
Accounts commented
Advanced rule to reject incoming items matching specific criteria with option to send notification to sender
Henry Houts commented
Separate chart of accounts/ categories for same users. To allow for line accounting for separate employees.
Holly Skehan commented
I would like to be able to set settings on specific users to only see certain users receipts and not all of them. Currently the only option is they can see their own receipts or all items. I would like to be able to pick specific users that they can see instead.
Cindy Paradela commented
It would be great if we can filter via payment method used what the basic user or expense approver can see
Anonymous commented
Have the option to limit/hide certain categories for certain users.
Adminboryana.blagoeva (Admin, Dext) commented
The restriction for Partner users to only be able to submit items to client accounts and not be able to submit to the Practice account itself.