The ability to edit duplication criteria
Ability to edit the duplication criteria, for example instead of all three criteria to be met, the client could choose only Invoice Number and items with the same invoice number would be considered duplicates.
Angie Sumka commented
Criteria for duplicates be Vendor and Invoice # only as some vendors change amounts and reuse the same #
Maybe use a similar vendor name detection only as a another stand alone duplicate also I realize you can do a check on similar and merge the names but warnings might force a check -
Rose Nicholson commented
My suggestion is to implement the Dext precision suggested duplicates feature directly into the Dext prepare inbox, just to highlight transactions with a similar date and same supplier/amount before they're published. I am aware there is a duplicate detection feature, but it does not work for all duplicates. I have discussed this with a staff member already so they are aware that some duplicates are getting missed. For instance, quite a few software supplier send both an invoice and receipt together which never get recognised as a duplicate by Dext. Also sometimes clients upload a proforma then the actual invoice a few days later, and if Dext cannot identify this as a duplicate, it would be nice to have a warning before publishing that a similar item was published recently. -
Lyn-Maree Fredericks commented
It would be good for Dext to accept duplicate invoices, but once in Dext have it notify that there is a duplicate.
Our staff email invoices to Dext and then later that week or the next processed the invoice in Dext for the accounting team.
What we have found is when Dext has picked up information in the email body, but not the invoice, we later try to send the invoice and can't work out why Dext won't except it. We scramble our brains to realise that the incorrect item is in Dext instead of the correct invoice we want. We find when this happens that more often than not the invoice is completely missed and we receive overdue notices, but it also time consuming working out why it didn't upload.
We would greatly appreciate having Dext accept both invoices but highlighting that they have duplicated invoice numbers.
Accounting Trendi commented
Checking of duplicates is not robust enough compared to Expensify from using the two systems. Add in more criteria such as same date and amount not just transaction type. This can be flagged for user to review and accept the duplicates if they are not. For example, the same transaction with a summary receipt and a detail receipt from a Visa transaction can have different transaction types. But the amount, name and date will be the same, this kind of transactions should be flagged for review.
Julie Askey commented
Please can you change the criteria for reviewing duplicate supplier invoices to same invoice number on all our clients
Also can you link our account within our workplace to be reconsidered between each other for duplicates.
Due to an invoice with the same amount and number going through twice and being paid.