Publish group rates to QBO
Cannot publish Group tax codes with more than 2 lines to QBO.
Thanks to your feedback we've implemented handling for group tax rates to QBO.
Thanks again for taking the time to raise this.
Kind regards,
The Dext Product team
Lauren Bondy commented
allow up to 3 tax codes in the linking to qbo
Laura Dempster commented
Please fix the error "The 'Invalid Tax Rate - Invalid Tax Rate : Invalid tax rate id - 35" and allow for more than two tax rates to be assigned to a single tax code in QBO.
Reymark Herrera commented
It would be great if Dext would allow publishing with more than 2 tax rates. For example, we have set up a group rate in QBO, which comprises of 4 tax rates: 2.5% federal and 2.5% federal-non tracking, and 6.56 % provincial and 1.44% provincial-non tracking. Currently, the only workaround to this is by selecting HST ON in Dext when publishing, then manually editing it in QBO.
Mildred Torla commented
I agree with Jennifer Lee
Hubdoc is able to handle PSB tax rates, so I know it can be done. -
Jennifer Lee commented
I want to be able to use tax rates that have more than two lines. In QBO, I have tax codes set up for the Public Service Bodies Rebate, and they have 4 lines in them (for the refundable part of each of PST/GST, and the non-refundable part of both as well). I currently can't use that tax rate from Dext. I have to push over the bill, then go into QBO and choose the PSB tax rate there instead. Hubdoc is able to handle PSB tax rates, so I know it can be done.