"Owner" email
Dear Dext, love your product! I had a situation where I set up a client account and immediately added one of the business's names/email address. This made that person the "owner", and caused issues when I was uploading documents, as I had a choice of owner or none. Being new to Dext I did not change the the dropdown to none b4 I realised this. I went to change the "owner" to collegue (dont know if I have the right wording here), but found I couldnt. This caused me no end of stress as I own the file, pay for it, and it was only because I was setting up for one of the business collegues to be able to access. I had to go through a whole pile of drama to get "owner" back to basics and add me with a fake email address so I could become owner. This is not very satisfactory, and as said caused me a great deal of stress yesterday. My suggestion is to clearly tell someone when they are setting up the first email address that this will be the "owner" and cannot be removed. I understand this may be covered in instructions, but when you start something new and it is so easy, it is fraught with this kind of dilemma. Thankyou for reading and hopefully some action will be taken.