181 results found
Import CSV to automatically populate fields
To be able to merge a csv file to an existing item to automatically populate fields that need to be updated such as the description field, the project field, etc that are different everytime and cannot be supported by supplier rules.
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1 vote
Assign a project via email submission
When emailing in, it is currently not possible to assign a project. It is possible to assign a note by putting the note between #note.
So can it be made possible to simply type #PROJECT:NAME in the body of the email to pickup the project ?
As a fail safe, If the user spelt it wrong and it doesn’t match any current projects, it would sit in the review inbox3 votes -
Have Dext Prepare detect duplicate Sales Items
Have Dext Prepare detect duplicate Sales Items
11 votes -
Extract customer and category from body of email
To reduce/eliminate the manual entry on our side, it would be very helpful if there was something that the client could type in the body of their email to Dext that would automatically populate the category or product/service and the customer/project. I work with construction companies so every invoice needs a project, and therefore I have to type in the project name on every invoice that is sent via email. Automating this step would be a significant win.
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Naming Bank Documents
It would be super helpful if you could train your AI, for bank, credit, loan statements that are uploaded, to include the last 4 digits of the account in the AI assigned supplier name. Many people have more than one account at the same bank and it's much more efficient in the long run to have them properly identified. I have clients that have as many as 10 bank/credit accounts at the same bank.
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2 votes
Allowing documents to be deleted or cancelled whilst in the splitting feature
When uploading a document into purchases and choosing the split feature. It would be quite helpful if you were able to cancel/delete the document whilst it is still in the stage of splitting the document.
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1 vote
Bank Detail Input
Be handy to input supplier bank details so that also uploads to Xero to make faster payments
7 votes -
default vat rate to be exempt not zero rated
I think default VAT rate for when no VAT is showing should be exempt not Zero rated- in reality there is very few items that are actually zero rated for VAT. As a bookkeeper i spend a lot of time changing the VAT rate to exempt ion your software to show it as a purchase in box 4 of a VAT return but not as Zero rated. For example when a supplier is not VAT registered. it needs to show in box 4 as a purchase for the business, but posting this as zero rated suggests the supplier is VAT…
1 vote -
Extract and Create new customers
Extract customers from items when they are not added to the account. Like Suppliers for Costs, it would be good that if an invoice is submitted for a new customer, Dext extracts it and adds it to the customer list without having to create the customer prior to the submission
10 votes -
Better identification of multi VAT rate invoices
In Ireland one of the VAT reports requires the VAT exclusive amount of an invoice and the relevant rate 23%, EU , 0% etc to be reported . It would be very useful if Dext could flag instances where the VAT in the item detail panel ( when based on selecting a rate of tax e.g. 23%) differs from the VAT as per VAT extracted. This would make it much easier to identify invoices with multiple VAT rates and which need further review.
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Connection with Construction manager
Connection with software - construction manager
1 vote -
Extract Fuel into Liters, and power bills in to KWH
We would like to know if it would be possible for Dext to break out things like Fuel into Liters, and power bills in to KW, rather than us having to manually enter these off the invoice.
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Extract Bank-State-Branch and Account
Just enquiring if BSB and Account numbers can be added when pushing invoices through to Xero
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a field called "Your Order Number"
We use Job numbers on some of our supplier orders. How can these be shown in dext. This will have a field called "Your Order Number". I'd like that shown in Dext automatically.
3 votes -
automatically match items in Dext to purchase orders in Xero/QBO
automatically match items to purchase orders in Xero/QBO
5 votes -
"Supplier/customer duplicates" function should scan for naming convention - eg. "Smith, John" vs. "John Smith"
Make the "supplier duplicates" function catch "Last Name, First Name" vs. "First Name Last Name" duplicates. Eg. "Smith, John" exists as a supplier in the accounting software, but Dext imports a duplicate "John Smith", and the Supplier duplicate function doesn't catch it, so they have to be tracked down and manually merged.
5 votes -
Line item extraction: Automatic categorisation based on key words
Can you add a feature where certain line items on invoices (e.g. "Shipping" or "Freight") are automatically coded to a different Category/Account when automatically extracting line items?
e.g. Invoice for $100 broken up to $90 goods and $10 freight. The invoice was issued by a supplier with the "Extract line items" function turned on in DEXT.
The invoice was disaggregated to:
Description | Category | Total
Goods | Cost of sales | $90
Freight | Freight expense | $10In this instance, DEXT has picked up the key word 'freight' and has automatically coded it to 'freight expense'. For all…
9 votes
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