Bulk edit suppliers
I would like to be able to set the same supplier rules for several suppliers at once.

Thanks to your feedback we have made improvements to bulk editing suppliers and also added the ability to bulk edit customers.
You can now bulk edit the following fields for suppliers:
- Category
- Product
- Customer
- Project
- Currency
- Tax rate
- Payment method
- Publish to
The following fields have now been made available to bulk edit for customers:
- Project
- Currency
- Product
Thanks again for taking the time to leave this valuable feedback.
Kind regards,
The Dext Product team
Tim Doyle commented
Customers to have the same bulk edit options as suppliers.
Also be able to bulk edit the sales name.
(I have a client that uploads 100's of invoices which I manually need to edit each one with the customer name as the system doesn't pick it up - I put them to a cash control so if I could bulk edit them all it would save me hours). -
Martyn Allard commented
Being able to bulk edit costs. When bulk editing costs, you cannot select a supplier - only a customer, this must be an error
Aoife ni Dhubhghaill commented
It would be a huge addition if the Supplier Field could be bulk edited re costs, similar to how the Customer Field can be bulk edited on the sales side.
Jennifer Lee commented
Bulk edit customer rules - be able to make them all the same product, currency and tax rate at the same time
Nadine LeBrun commented
On the suppliers page. Give us a feature in the bulk edit to change the default tax code to all suppliers in one go. Right now, I dont know why, all my suppliers have the wrong tax code, it was done like this by default at the start of the account. Which is a huge bug/thumb down on your App. I have too many suppliers to do it one by one. The bulk edit needs this feature. Please add it. Thanks.
Tom Earp commented
Add supplier field to bulk edit option in cost workspace
Anonymous commented
Bulk Edit Supplier Tax Rates Rule
Sabrina Johnson commented
I want to bulk edit the supplier name in the Costs
Jill Livingston commented
inactive customer
Jill Livingston commented
Delete customer
OIS Bookkeeper commented
We predominantly use sales for insurance a remittance advice and it would be great if we could bulk edit the Customer Name
Tim Vogel commented
it would be really good eo be able to bulk edit sales to add a customer name, especially for those where they are all Cash sales so there i nothing for Dext to extract
Liam Parry commented
Bulk Edit Due Dates for Suppliers
Natasha Everard commented
In the sales area, allow the bulk edit to select the customer name so bulk edit lots of receipts to be the same customer. It is ideal for me when publishing till receipts directly to the cash book on xero. Thank you.
Ashleigh Whitman commented
It would be nice to be able to batch edit the Supplier Rules. Or even when I go to the Suppliers list and click into a supplier to edit the Category and Tax Rate, it'd be nice to have Next and Previous buttons to switch Suppliers instead of having to go back to All Suppliers, find the next one I want to edit, and open it.
Elaine Hardy commented
Please can you add bulk rules to Customers. Some of my clients will push through their sales invoices from another software and it all wants to be categorized to one nominal, so it would be useful to be able to set that as a default over all the sales/customers
Anonymous commented
Have the option to bulk edit tax rate supplier rules
Maya Ye commented
Bulk Edit Category
Most of our vendors are under same category. It would be greatly helpful if we could use bulk edit to assign category for selected vendors. -
Maria Saba commented
I have about 900 suppliers that I need all to go to the suspense category
Alan Moss commented
The Bulk edit feature in Sales should have the option to Bulk Edit The Customer. I do a lot of pubs which their sales receipt is the till z reading and when uploaded to Dext the Customer field is always blank