193 results found
2 votes
Archiving option for paperwork match via System settings
Archiving option for paperwork match via System settings
3 votes -
Separate the Costs/Sales tax rates in the drop-down menu
It would be good if you only showed the vat rates for purchase on the costs tab and only vat rated for sales on the sales tab. This would make it easier when processing instead of accidentally clicking the correct one and preventing it going through to xero.
2 votes -
Download Item History and Audit Trail logs as a report
Download and Extract Item History and Audit Trail logs as a report
5 votes -
4 votes
1 vote
The ability to edit duplication criteria
Ability to edit the duplication criteria, for example instead of all three criteria to be met, the client could choose only Invoice Number and items with the same invoice number would be considered duplicates.
15 votes -
File Storage option to specify location on drive for backups
File Storage feature update to allow us to choose the preferred location on the drive to save the Dext folders.
3 votes -
Adding Divisions to Dext
Hi, when reviewing purchase invoices in Dext before publishing it would be great to add in a division section to alleviate the requirement to go back into surf to add it there.
2 votes -
Be able to buy bundles for additional Users only.
We currently have a company of 70 employees and have started introducing Dext to a few employees for expense claims.
We never have more than 400 submissions a month, so the capacity of submissions is not what we need to worry about.
1 vote -
Show separate tax columns in Flexible Columns for secondary tax rates
Show separate tax columns in Flexible Columns for secondary tax rates instead of showing just the total Tax amount column.
3 votes -
The items in the 'Archive' page to be sorted by default form the latest day of the item submitted to Dext Prepare.
When a client enters the 'Archive' page to be able to see the items sorted from the oldest to the latest date of the items themselves without having to click two times on the 'Date' column.
1 vote -
Adding Notes to Bills - Xero integration
I want to be able to add Notes to Xero bills when I process them through Dext. Note, this is different from the bill description. This is a helpful feature to resolve my company's issue of dealing with a lot of suppliers that prefer BPAY as payment method. We want to use Parakeet in processing those bills, but the problem is, BPAY reference had to be put as Notes on the bill in Xero and I am hoping I can do that in Dext when I finalize the bill before pushing it to Xero.
2 votes -
Ability to restrict Categories ontly for Expense Reports
The option to make categories not applicable only for Expense Reports and keep the full list visible for individual items.
5 votes -
Downloading receipts
When downloading a groups of receipts either via pdf or cvs is a lying when after downloading instead to go back to the group it goes back to the cost so you have to group again by person project integration
Would be nice if when after downloading and going back stays in the same filter that have been selected before this will save a lot of time1 vote -
Add a client to multiple Partner accounts
Ability to add a the same Client account to multiple Partner accounts
1 vote -
Timestamp (showing hour and minute) for all the items in the Submission History
Currently, Submission History and Item History shows exact time only for recent uploads. The request is for the timestamps to be visible for older submissions as well.
2 votes -
Hello, i would like to suggest adding a spanish version, since i'm sure there's a huge market for that in latin american countries with scarce softwares
2 votes -
DRC for Sales invoices
Ability to turn on the 'Domestic Reverse Charge' for Sales invoices.
3 votes -
History of Fetch Connections
We would like to have the ability to check the History of all actions taken for the Fetch Connections within the account, for example - when has a connection been established, or when has a connection been deleted.
2 votes
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