Linking items in Receipt Bank to Purchase Orders in Xero
My client uses Purchase Orders in Xero to order their items. The client codes their POs and then we have to code the corresponding invoices & receipts based on this. It also means that the Purchase Order can't be processed fully through Xero. Please look into extracting a Purchase Order number on items and using that to match against existing Purchase Orders in Xero
How would I envision it working?
1. RB picks out the PO as well as the other info (or at least has a detail field)
2. Somewhere there is a matching check against a PO with the same reference generated in Xero
3. If the 2 match then the RB invoice is pushed through , tagged to the PO, tags the PO as fulfilled in Xero thus no duplicates, no 2nd process and all invoice workflow kept within RB not split.
RB is in effect doing a 2 way match between PO & Invoice and then telling Xero of the match