1792 results found
Suggested conversion amount for foreign currency items
The conversion rates usually result in items not matching the total of the outgoing transaction in the Xero bank feed. This means that they can’t autopublish items from foreign suppliers and have to go into Xero and manually review & adjust the totals.
Similar to ‘Find & Match’, in foreign currency items search the bank account for items that match everything but total, and whose total is within a certain range of error, and suggest the total in Xero as an amount to change the item total to.
11 votes -
Ability to search through items within the Mobile app
should be able to search receipts from mobile device
10 votes -
Highlight items causing errors in an Expense Report
When viewing an Expense Report which is unable to publish due to an item error can we please cause it to highlight the item in question to make it easy to identify and fix
10 votes -
7 votes
Autopublish per user
I'd like to be able to autopublish all except for items uploaded by one particular user as all of their items will need to be added to Expense Reports.
Another alternative would be to prioritize adding items to Effortless Expense Reports to happen before the act of autopublishing.
9 votes -
Bill.com Departments List
Can you please enable the Departments list as additional tracking for Bill.com
9 votes -
Support Canadian taxes with Sage Accounting
I work with businesses in Canada who have to report on two taxes on purchases - GST and PST. Currently Receipt Bank isn't built to work with two taxes meaning I have to use workarounds for some items and it takes up a lot of my time.
9 votes -
Search through the new Inbox/Archive view
Previously, when we searched for items in the Inbox and simply clicked on Archive, the same search results appeared, which helped us to easily locate items within both sections.
However, with the new view, when searching through the new Inbox/Archive view the filtered items appear in a tab 'Search Results' which, however, doesn't indicate whether the item is in the Inbox (not published) or in the Archive (published). If we switch to another sub-section under Inbox (as Archive is now a sub-section of Inbox) the search results are cancelled, thus we need to enter them separately in each section which…
9 votes -
Corner Highlighter for Efficient Document Composition and Scanning
Corner highlighter while capturing documents. With an additional focus on long receipts, which could be scanned continuously.
0 votes -
Supplier Products List Extraction and Price Checker
A price checker feature that automatically notifies you when a billed price differs (higher, lower) than the agreed product price would be great. The price checker would compare the extracted line items from bills against your pre-loaded price list.
0 votes -
Client List View for Multi-Account Client Users
Feedback from a partner: "Following the release of the multiuser merge function one of our clients has come to us with a question. They were on a call with one of our internal members of staff a few weeks ago and when sharing screens have noticed the Dashboard view on our internal practice.
They would be keen to explore this option from a client perspective – basically they have about 60 entities in total and would like to be able to view these at a Dashboard level – I appreciate prior to the multiuser function this would likely not be…
0 votes -
eInvoicing in New Zealand
Enable New Zealand businesses to register and receive invoices in Dext prepare
0 votes
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