1779 results found
Prepayment Schedule from Cost Item
Add the ability to create a prepayments schedule directly from a cost item from Dext. If a cost item is coded to a predetermined prepaid expense account Dext should give the user the option to create a prepayment schedule based on the bill (posted to Xero as a journal). I would envisage this being similar to the 'create line items' interface.
1 vote -
Paperwork Request - Filter by Bank Account
Add the option to filter (and/or sort) by bank account when requesting paperwork. This would easily enable the user to direct all requests to the correct recipient.
1 vote -
Supplier Statemnets Zoho books
The invoices that are already within Zoho books do not show up in the supplier statement. These were posted previously into Zoho books and were not processed through Dext. Can we get a function to look at the invoices in Zoho books to reconcile a Statement in Dext.
1 vote -
PO needs to be approved in QBO first before being able to match in Dext
PO needs to be approved in QBO first before being able to match in Dext
1 vote -
Enable in-app messaging for bank transactions
Enable client messaging for bank transactions.
When an unidentifiable bank transaction appears on the bank feeds (such as a cheque payment) then it would be brilliant to be able to message the client via their app to ask what it was for, in the same way you can do for invoices.1 vote -
printable CRA information
A list of CRA categories for income & expenses with their matching code number that a person could print to refer to when entering receipts.
1 vote -
Supplier Statement Uploads
Supplier statements can only be uploaded/moved to the 'Supplier Statement' tab if the document is in PDF, which isn't always the case. Could this perhaps be subject to change in the future, allowing for image uploads?
2 votesIt's on the roadmap, bear with us
Show categories for suggested matches on bank rec screen
When suggested matches appear on the reconciliation screen, show the category which the invoice is assigned in the green box, as there is no easy way to see the category without manually finding the invoice.
3 votes -
Messaging for paperwork requests
It would be nice that when the preparer has requested paperwork that the client would be able to message in regard to one of the paperwork requests and not just upload a document.
1 vote -
Recent PDF viewer changes are not good
Hi! I just want to pass on some feedback. The most recent change to how pdf files are displayed is far from good. Copying details is far less precise and slows the processing down. Please fix it or revert to the previous version. Thanks
1 vote -
Hide inactive QBO customers in Dext
The 'Customer' drop-down field on Cost items shows inactive customers from
QBO. Hide the inactive customers from the drop-down.1 vote -
Practice changing the client owner
Where the accountant practice pays for the Dext subscription, for the practice to be able to change the account owner without sending an email to the client. Most of the time we use Dext internally with clients uploading, they do not use Dext so sending an email causes further confusion as we pay for it
1 vote -
Allow bill number on expense claims
Expense claims - allow for Bill number on expense claims when processing through to software rather than showing as RB no.
1 vote -
Be able to use company logo as the account avatar
Be able to add the company logo instead of having the company avatar be the first letter of the company name (`A for example)
1 vote -
When splitting an expense, please allow us to add multiple lines at a time instead on just 1
I have a bill that is 30 - 100 lines. I don't get it often enough to justify the extraction tool (and it doesn't work well because of the way the vendor does the bill). I have to add one line at a time when I split it out. Please allow an "Add 5 lines" button!
1 vote -
employee expense categorization limits
To improve employee experience for expense submission and reports it would be great if we could adjust settings so that they could see either limited categories for expenses or none at all - same with classes. I do not expect our employees to know our finance classes and it is a time consuming experience for them to scroll through the entire chart of accounts looking for 'meals' or such. I instruct them not to bother categorizing, as between Dext and the finance team we got it, but they still email asking what category to select out of the long list…
21 votes -
Hi, I’ll try to explain my goal. I am uploading a bank statement from Dext to Bright. For example, I have a receivable of 120 that I will record under sales. However, I’ve spent a lot of time manually entering the sales account number into Bright. I’d like to know if it’s possible to automatically assign the sales code to all receivables with the description 'CLIENT'. Or, if possible, add a new column in the Excel file (from Dext) to include the account code, so it can be uploaded directly into Bright.
1 vote -
Updated date feature
When inputting an unrecognizable date instead of Dext automatically setting the date to today's instead (similar to the suppliers feature) it could say 'unknown date' as the setting to the current date can beome confusing.
2 votes -
Mileage new region (Singapore)
Turn on Mileage Claims feature for Singapore Region
1 vote -
Name rules
Quicken has an excellent vendor Naming Rules and it would be tremendously helpful to have a similar feature in DEXT!
When DEXT picks up a certain Supplier name I would like to be able to map what it sees to what needs to be used!
Example: DEXT is showing Shopify, I would like DEXT to memorize "when you see Shopify, use Shopify Fees (supplier name) instead." So many names picked up by DEXT are partially correct, a naming rule would expedite the constant human process of looking for the correct name.1 vote
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