49 results found
Make fields required before submitting in Mobile App
It would be fantastic if you can set up the mobile app to require certain details such as Account, Memo, and Client before it allows submitting receipts.
I would like to make certain fields manadatory when employees are reconciling their cc purchases. For example. I would like the job and client field to be mandatory to be filled in.53 votes -
Option to make the description field mandatory
Option to make the description field mandatory when submitting items to dext via Mobile app.
35 votes -
Ability to upload from different locations using the Mobile App
Would like to be able to upload from different locations, such as OneDrive, Google Drive, iOS Files App, etc when using the mobile app, as currently it's only possible to upload images from the gallery.
35 votes -
Add and edit Suppliers in the mobile app
Is it going to be possible to manually edit the supplier name from the Mobile App (add new supplier) as currently you only can choose between existing suppliers
33 votes -
Bank Statement section on Mobile App
The mobile app should have an option to upload bank statements as is instead of having to upload as supplier statements.
21 votes -
Edit user name within mobile app
Hi, it would be great if I can edit my in app name. Thanks
19 votes -
Flag items via the Mobile app
Option to Flag items via the Dext Mobile app
17 votes -
Split items into lines from the Mobile App
Allow the customer to split the items into lines from the Mobile App for added convenience.
12 votes -
Ability to search through items within the Mobile app
should be able to search receipts from mobile device
10 votes -
Download on App
Please add a download button for documents loaded on Dext on the Dext App for clients that use only the App.
8 votes -
Automatically take picture when receipt is in frame (like depositing a cheque with bank app)
It would be amazing if the app would automatically take pictures when the receipt is properly in frame. Think of what bank apps do when you deposit a cheque. They tell you to back up, get closer, change the angle, etc. When the conditions are met, the app snaps the picture on its own. The result is a consistently higher quality picture versus letting users frame their own picture and fumble to push the shutter button on their phone.
I think one difficulty would be that receipts are different shapes and sizes while cheques are relatively similar. It might require…
8 votes -
Dext App Camera Auto-Focus Enhancements
The Dext mobile app can be improved if there was a second button to trigger the main camera's auto-focus before taking a picture. It would be more convenient than having to moving the phone closeup and back to trigger it manually. Also, most phones nowadays have multiple cameras. The ability to alternate/select different cameras (at least in the settings) is rather expected.
5 votes -
5 votes
Entering quantities
Ability to enter quantities and per item cost upon uploading of receipts would be convenient when tracking quantity of units in purchasing.
4 votes -
limit categories in app
We have over 30 categories in our general expenses, but of the paper receipts we enter with the mobile app, we only ever use 2-3 categories (meals&entertainment, fuel, office supplies). Everything else gets uploaded digitally and we handle it on the desktop version. It would be nice if you could customize the categories that the app uses, either by limiting what pops up or changing the order. This would save a lot of time.
3 votes -
Bulk categorization at time of upload
When I use the 'Multiple' option in the Dext app for uploading receipts, it would be nice to set the category for an entire group of photos. That's what I thought I was doing when I used that option, but only just realized today that it is only categorizing the first photo of the series! Some way to group and categorize items would save lots of time.
3 votes -
3 votes
Adobe Dext sharing mobile
On mobile sharing documents from Adobe products directly to Dext via "Share a copy" function
3 votes -
To include Camera Focus/Auto Focus in Multiple and Combine mode
The Auto Focus feature in the Dext Mobile App is a great addition. Noticed this feature does not work in the Multiple or Combine mode
2 votes -
Allow app to instantly open camera without first connecting to Dext and loading app data
Currently the app will wait for a connection to Dext, then load current inbox data before loading the camera to take photos of receipts. This takes 5-10 seconds on a good wifi or 5G connection.
When the wifi and mobile data is turned off, the app can instantly load the camera.
The delay when loading the Dext app to quickly scan a receipt is frustrating and unnecessary.
The app could connect and load data in the background while allowing the user to add documents or load the camera.
Further, there is no guarantee that the internet connection will stay available…
2 votes
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