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  1. Now that you have an easy clickable date swap - why can't you ALSO have a quick click date swap on the due date??

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  2. By putting the Invoice Fetch setup and management into the Costs Section it would be much easier to see and will encourage clients to set up new ones and manage any current ones that need to be updated. It's lost down in the Business Settings area.

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  3. Allow tablet users on the website to scroll down between multiple pages on combined invoices

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  4. It would be great and so much more productive if you could reduce the area around an invoice showing on the screen so we can see all of the invoice and not have to continually scroll for the invoice or the fields used. If you would like more details as I may not be clear please feel free to contact me.

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  5. When you click on something it will show you where it has come from. For example the supplier you click on it and it will highlight where it thinks the supplier name has come from. Same for the amount. Sometimes it can be a bit difficult to find out where they have gotten the amount from if you have a long invoice.

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  6. Block specific clients from accessing paid features on the partner's account.

    Control which clients can access and used paid features such as:
    Supplier statements

    Sometimes a client will use this YET the partner is billed unknowingly...
    I have had this requested so many times across my partner base!

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  7. Be able to turn off fields like Classes, PO #, Customer, and Tax

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  8. Thank you so much for adding toggle of "Paid" to table settings and front page. Such a huge time saver. I have another such suggestion, please, if you could do the same for Payment & Type. Thanks!

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  9. Improve Dext Data Entry - Total amount should recognise comma when editing

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  10. What is the point of having a highlighter feature when it doesn't save what you have highlighted on the document?

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  11. Can we get an active count when selecting multiple files? It is tedious to hand-count the number of items selected in the Cost/Sales/Expense Claim/Bank section.
    For example, I if I'm merging multiple receipts, and I need to select 21 pages, I have to manually count my selections to ensure that I have actually selected 21 receipts and not 20 or 22. It's a simple addition that would be so helpful. Thank you!

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  12. There are occasions when uploading an invoice that it turns out to be a duplicate but no message to that effect is received. It would be useful in every instance that there is a duplicate that a message popped up stating that. Also the short directions on how/where to locate the duplicate. It is a rare event so the user will need directions to locate the file.

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  13. Please add a box for Purchase invoices which emanate outside of the EU e.g UK based and US based suppliers.

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  14. I would love to see a little more detail on the History tab of a receipt. I would like to see "Drew change the Category" or something to that affect so I know if my client entered the Category or if Dext entered a suggested Category.

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  15. Shift+F3 to make uppercase what's in the description box

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  16. I am currently scrolling through suppliers to merge duplicates. After each merge is completed it brings me back to the start of the supplier list alphabetically and it requires me scroll down to find where I was in the list each time. This is a time consuming exercise when there are over 1000 suppliers on the list.

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  17. Many clients have multi-currency and DEXT doesn't always pick that up automatically (nor can I set a rule - example UBER which can be used on travel)... when I have to manually adjust currency, it gives me a list of basically the whole world. I mainly use USD - is there any way we can allow use to "pin" the most-used currencies (e.g. USD) at the top to reduce keystrokes??

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  18. Please could you add additional fields for columns as per the below: I would like to add columns to the costs inbox and archive to display the following details: received into Dext date, published date and published by user name. It would also be useful to access a report showing the number of items submitted to Dext each day, the number published and the number of flagged items.

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  19. Dext Prepare accepting encrypted files. I understand that Dext would not be able to read the files but just having the inbox as a place for documents to be collected would be really helpful.

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  20. Hi!
    Just a small suggestion. When I see the invoice or To Review, the amounts are shown with thousands separator and it is very convenient. But on an individual page there is no separation of the thousands. And in our case, being in Indonesia, where we always deal with thousands and millions, it is very inconvenient!
    Thanks for making this simple improvement!

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