82 results found
Multiple Supplier rules for one supplier
The ability to set multiple supplier rules for a single supplier.
215 votes -
Bulk edit suppliers
I would like to be able to set the same supplier rules for several suppliers at once.
215 votesHi,
Thank you for your feedback, we will be exploring ways to expand the number of fields available when bulk editing suppliers.
We will send a follow up email when this is complete and available in the product.
Kind regards,
The Dext Product Team
Ability to export the supplier list and supplier rules
Ability to export the supllier list from the supplier tab including the supplier rules set for each supplier and the last invoice submitted.
Partner ideally wants to be able to see what category, tax rate and any other supplier rules are set against each supplier as well as details of the last entry.
97 votesHi,
Thanks for taking the time to suggest this idea. We will be assessing the technical feasibility of this and will provide an update once we understand the possibilities for this request.
Kind regards,
The Dext Product team
Default Category rule per user or per payment method
Can you please allow us to set default rules for Category by users and for payment methods.
When a certain user submits an item or payment method is extract to set default category as a rule.
93 votes -
Add item type as a Supplier rule
Would like to have the possibility of setting type on per supplier basis as I get invoices from one supplier (only invoices) and just receipts from other, sometimes RB gets the type wrong and I need to run through all items to double-check
43 votes -
More than 10 lines Smart Split rule
Currently a user can only set a rules for 10 line items when using Smart Split however I've found that this limitation prevents me from using it for several key suppliers.
30 votes -
Supplier rule for discounts
I have suppliers who give a discount off the total amount of invoices paid via direct debit. Can you setup for a supplier that each receipt scanned can be processed with a % discount
26 votes -
Auto-archive without publishing (supplier rule)
Idea : Auto-archive (without publishing) at supplier level
Why : For many suppliers, we have bank rules in Xero or QBO to have bank transactions automatically recorded without a receipt (monthly subscriptions are a good example of these). Although we do want to keep the receipts in the Archive in case of future audit, we don't want to publish and match all receipts if not required. What we currently do is, for these suppliers, we 'select all' and manually 'archive' all selected items.
If we could simply 'auto-archive without publishing' certain suppliers, that would be game changer for our 40+…
21 votesWe are reviewing this functionality to add. Thanks for the feedback
Flexible Columns in the Suppliers tab bulk edit supplier rules
In order to bulk set rules in the Suppliers tab it would be much easier for me if I could set additional rules for my required fields from the Suppliers list rather than having to go into each individual supplier
19 votes -
Supplier rules applied across all client accounts
It would be incredibly useful if it was possible for me to apply the supplier rules for one client across a number of other clients for any matching suppliers and categories.
This would make it easy to apply automation across the large franchise groups I work with who share the same suppliers and chart of accounts
Another way to achieve this for my example is to have "default clients" with "default supplier rules" that could be duplicated when creating a new client.
19 votes -
Rebill option as a supplier rule
Ability to set a supplier rule for rebilling expenses to customers.
17 votes -
Add new supplier categories from supplier rules tab
It would save a lot of time if we could manually add supplier categories (compte) on the supplier rule tab from the item view or on the supplier page instead of having to go through account settings > manage lists > add codes.
Having the correct supplier categories is vital for the csv export formats in France!
17 votes -
Supplier rules based on other "IF" rules
Could we have rules with “IF”
If amount > X this
If amount less < that?
14 votes -
12 votes
option to edit supplier names or delete the suppliers
Ability to rename and delete suppliers rather than merge them
12 votes -
Assign the 'Publish to' field automatically based to Credit note if the 'Type' field is 'Credit Note'
If the 'Type' is Credit note to automatically assign the 'Publish to' field to 'Credit note' too.
9 votes -
Option to apply the Duplication Settings across all client accounts
Have the option to apply the Duplication Settings across all Client accounts so it doesn't have to be updated client by client.
7 votes -
7 votes
Prevent suppliers to be creatd from Dext and added to Xero
Prevent supplier to be added.
When we use Xero we want to prevent new suppliers published to Xero but have Xero suppliers set up in Dext. A part of customer/supplier database creation internal control recommendation.7 votes -
Ability to auto-publish to Desktop accounting software integration such as Sage 50, Quickbooks Desktop.
Ability to auto-publish to Desktop accounting software integration such as Sage 50, Quickbooks Desktop.
6 votes
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