1792 results found
Clients to be able to view item messaging via the web app as well
PPC clients to be able to view item messaging via the web app as well
81 votesWe are reviewing how to make this better, thanks for the feedback
Extract Location/Tracking category on XERO
To be able to Read "delivery Address" on invoices and choose the location automatically on XERO.
this will enable us to auto publish invoices rather than going to each one individually and check the delivery location and choose the relevant location
this will help us on a MAJOR level.
70 votesOur AI team have been working on this feature and we hope to share more details soon. Thanks for the feedback.
Be able to select bill terms instead of just due date
Net terms not just due date
70 votes -
67 votes
Option to disable publishing notifications
Option to disable the pop-up notifications letting you know an items has been published
63 votesSorry this has taken so long to explore, we will look to add an option to suppress or make them not cover the view when working quickly. Thanks for the feedback.
Line Items for Sales invoices
Having Line Items extracted from Sales invoices with all the included features for Cost item Line Items.
62 votes -
Pay vendors directly from Dext
Send payment to a vendor from a bill/invoice! Like bill.com or Melio
58 votesWe are working on this - Please share your interest
Adding reminders for the approvals
Reminders to approve an invoice after x amount of days... if not approved by x amount of days then moves to their manager for approval. This would take away the need to micro manage the approval workflow process.
56 votesHi all,
Anna here from the product team at Dext.
We have prioritised this request and will start work on it within the next few months.
To help us shape the right solution for you, I'd like to know a little more specifically about what you need.
- What are some specific examples of how you'd use approval reminders? For example "For this workflow, I want to automatically email approvers every 3 working days until they have approved" or "For this specific user, I want to automatically email this specific approver every Tuesday until it's approved"
- On that note, where should the approval reminders setting live in Dext? Perhaps on the approval workflow level, where admins can control the setting. And/or on the user profile, so individuals can choose when they are reminded.
- Are there any additional approval reminder controls you think we should be thinking about? Please note, we may…
Put Different Colour Flags
To put different colour flag for the items in the Inbox so users wouldn’t have to go through all the invoice sitting DEXT inbox and check what belongs to them.
56 votes -
Ability to Customize/Add Extraction Fields
The ability to add or customize what data is extracted by the software, and being able to add the relevant fields.
53 votes -
Make fields required before submitting in Mobile App
It would be fantastic if you can set up the mobile app to require certain details such as Account, Memo, and Client before it allows submitting receipts.
I would like to make certain fields manadatory when employees are reconciling their cc purchases. For example. I would like the job and client field to be mandatory to be filled in.53 votes -
New Integration: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Please can you integrate with Microsoft Dynamics?
53 votesHi,
Thank you for submitting your feedback and ideas for this integration. After an investigation into this integration our product team has decided to prioritise other integrations and features for the immediate future. If these plans change I will update you here.
Please continue submitting your feature requests as they are incredibly valuable for our team!
Many thanks,
Dom -
52 votes
Transfer items between users & accounts
I would like to be able to move incorrectly uploaded items from one user to another within an account or within different ones. This is particularly key for my clients with multiple entities
51 votes -
Publish bank statements directly to the accounting software
Being able to directly publish bank statements upon having them extracted.
49 votes -
Delete Suppliers
Can you please add the option to delete Suppliers in RB rather than merging them?
48 votes -
46 votes
Disable payment method extraction & auto-creation for certain clients
I would like to be able to prevent certain client's items from auto-creating a new payment method.
My client writes the cheque number on the invoice, and ALL of these cheques are showing up as new payment methods
For some of our clients we only process our client's bills so Payment Methods are confusing & distracting. For others we have specific payment accounts that we'd like to be able to set up and use but all the extra payment methods being created, especially from all the personal cards, make it much harder to use the system
46 votes -
Extract data from xls and xlsx files
Extract data from receipts/invoices that comes to Receipt Bank as xls or xlsx files i.e. excel tables.
45 votes -
Reference / Customer number field extraction
A reference number field would be useful for items with a receipt reference number or customer reference number
44 votes
- Don't see your idea?