1788 results found
Set up Vendors/Customers details directly in Dext
Be able to add new customer/vendor data (address, phone, email) directly in Dext as we are processing the payments. And then have that information passed over to the accounting software profile setup (QBO, Xero, etc)
12 votes -
Ability to turn on 2FA for all users
Ability for admin user to turn on 2FA for all users in the account in order to make their accounts more secure.
12 votesWe are looking to enable 2FA for all accounts.
12 votes
12 votes
option to search for items using the publish/archiving date
option to search for items using the publish/archive date instead of the invoice date when using the advanced search
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12 votes
option to edit supplier names or delete the suppliers
Ability to rename and delete suppliers rather than merge them
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Mode sombre / Night mode
Ajouter un mode sombre / night mode
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Split items into lines from the Mobile App
Allow the customer to split the items into lines from the Mobile App for added convenience.
12 votes -
Adjust Bank Match payment date to match payment date on bank feed
If a receipt has a date that differs from the date of the payment on the bank feed, you should take the date of the payment on the bank feed for the created payment. For example if a invoice from 2nd May matches a payment on the 3rd May and you autofill and push the transaction over to Xero, the invoice created should take the date of the 2nd May but the payment should take the date of 3rd May.
This is the best practice.
12 votes -
Customize/change item type selection from the RB default list
I would like to be able to add/customize my own label of another item type from the RB default selection (Receipts, ATM withdrawal, Other, Invoice...)
12 votes -
Unused items to roll over to next month
I usually process transactions every three months, so it would be useful if any unused items from previous months could roll over to the next
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Audit log of Activity per member of staff
activity log for practice users by client to see how much time is being spent on dext per client so we can see inefficiencies
11 votes -
Extraction of quantity & unit prices (Under Edit Line Item)
Dear Management,
I would like to feedback on "Edit line item" features, which allow users to input quantity & unit prices (these two input are important for bookkeeping functions), which are well developed.
However, I was told that we are unable to extract quantity & unit prices to CSV for us to proceed the next step of bookkeeping work, which are quite disappointing, as Dext Prepare are designed to facilitate bookkeeping functions, but yet, till now we are still unable to see improvements till now.
I sincerely hope Dext can treat this matter seriously so that we can continue utilise…
11 votes -
Add a document to an existing cost/sales file
An option to add an additional document to an existing cost/sales file without having to submit it and merge it.
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11 votes
Identify overlapping bank statement transactions
Identify overlapping bank statement transactions
11 votes -
Publish Customers in line items to ApprovalMax
We need to be able to publish the Customer field in line items to ApprovalMax, especially with Costs items
11 votes -
Have Dext Prepare detect duplicate Sales Items
Have Dext Prepare detect duplicate Sales Items
11 votes -
Meals and Entertainment Tax Code, Changing Tax Codes Within 'Extracted Tax'
We use a M&E 5% tax code in QBO that assigns 50% of the tax to an ITC and the other 50% to an expense account. We have to use the 'Extracted Amount' tax in Dext as there is always a tip on these expenses which has no GST. When using the 'Extracted Amount' it would be much easier if within that we could then assign the two tax options 'GST/HST/TPS' and 'PST/QST/TVQ' to whatever tax codes we want. At the moment I can only do this by adding line items which is very cumbersome.
11 votes
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