72 results found
Select the order that items are merged in
It would be really key for us if we could select the order in which item images are displayed after merging them. This would ensure we can have page 1 before page 2 before page 3, or a receipt following an invoice etc
170 votesWe are looking to make this possible, thanks for the suggestion
Integrate with Xero Projects
Add integration with "Xero Projects" so we can send bills directly to project inside DEXT and not have to do it again in XERO.
Cheers ! :P
136 votes -
Put Different Colour Flags
To put different colour flag for the items in the Inbox so users wouldn’t have to go through all the invoice sitting DEXT inbox and check what belongs to them.
56 votes -
52 votes
Bulk Edit Supplier names of the invoices in the Inbox
I would like to be able to edit Supplier names of the invoices in my Inbox in bulk, just like the Categories and Customers
39 votes -
Edit more fields before sending the items for processing from the Mobile App
It would be great if we could add info about payment method and category when sending via the Mobile App before submitting for processing. This would be very helpful especially in terms of the payment method as it is not always shown on the items (especially invoices) and the users can simply add the info about the relevant payment method as they know best. Thus we won't have to chase them and ask what was the card used.
29 votes -
Split PDF file into separate invoices
Ability to split single PDF files containing multiple invoices after having been submitted to Dext Prepare.
27 votes -
Ability to delete a manually created category list for unintegrated accounts
There's currently no way for partners & clients to delete category lists created manually or by uploading a CSV. This has to be done by a Receipt Bank dev
25 votes -
Ability to create items in the absence of an actual document
The ability to create items in the absence of an actual document.
24 votesWe are looking to support Quotes/invoices and manual items thanks for the feedback
Report of users who published the items
I would like to be able to pull a report where I can see who was the user who published a certain item and what GL was used
24 votes -
Add "Date" to merging logic for items with type "Invoice"
Can you please add Date as a merging criteria to the invoices? Some Australian invoices have the same Invoice number and same amount (mobile operator for example) but different date and they are merged incorrectly
15 votes -
Applying Cash payment method
Receipt Bank will pick up if an item is paid by cash, as shown by the column within the Inbox, however it won't use this to apply a payment method with the Ref 'Cash', or similarly one with the Ref 'PayPal'. Can you please modify this so that these payment methods will be automatically applied on these items. This will save me a lot of time going in and manually updating every single one of these items
14 votes -
Customize/change item type selection from the RB default list
I would like to be able to add/customize my own label of another item type from the RB default selection (Receipts, ATM withdrawal, Other, Invoice...)
12 votes -
Customize visible fields in the Item Details Page
Edit which fields in the Item Details page should be visible (some sort of a filter, like to one on the main Inbox page)
11 votes -
Hide unused Worksapces.
it is not possible to hide the sections that are not in use e.g Sales & Bank.
10 votes -
Search by exact amount
I would like to search an exact amount (total amount) without having to put in min and max amounts.
9 votes -
Option to turn On/OFF the category and sub category relation in Dext and QBO
Seems that when user are apllying a Category in the Mobile app, the full name of the Category and subcategory does not show and they are not able to make difference in the subcategories. A toggle for an option to turn on and off the relation will be helpful in this case
9 votes -
Support Canadian taxes with Sage Accounting
I work with businesses in Canada who have to report on two taxes on purchases - GST and PST. Currently Receipt Bank isn't built to work with two taxes meaning I have to use workarounds for some items and it takes up a lot of my time.
9 votes -
Be able to add a page (image) to an extraction already in Dext before publication or be able to combine two submitted documents into one. Ex
Be able to add a page (image) to an extraction already in Dext before publication or be able to combine two submitted documents into one. Example, an invoice and its proof of payment
8 votes -
7 votes
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